Copyright © Winning With Sport Ltd of all images and videos since 2010 to current date.

Except where an advertiser or player has copyright, all content copyright is owned by Winning With Sport Ltd.

ASPIRE to be the BEST that you can be

Our KIDS CLUB pages are to update the reader with the progress of some of our juniors and the goings on in our KIDS CLUB Department.

K I D S   C L U B   N E W S

We have tournaments, camps, prizes, certificates and fun.

We do want to teach tennis, but also include fun games for the children.

We believe that  through physical and mental improvement, we become happier within ourselves and more confident in all areas of our lives.

Greg Bamford

His successes with adult singles, doubles teams and junior coaching speak for themselves!

 Don’t follow pro players, FOLLOW YOUR CHILDREN/OUR PLAYERS!